This week the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (“JPML”) issued separate rulings to centralize the ongoing federal litigation involving the weed killer Roundup and Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”) talcum powder. The JPML is a special body within the…
Our Blog - Harford, P.C. - Working to Level the Playing Field
Guess Unwanted Text Messages Reaches Preliminary Class Action Settlement

Did you receive any unsolicited text messages from the Guess clothing store? According to papers filed in California federal court last week, a preliminary class action settlement has been reached last week for consumers who received unwanted text messages from…
FDA Bans Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soaps do more harm than good? That is what the Food and Drug Administration just announced last week concluding that the manufacturers fail to establish them as “safe and effective” for use by the public. In total, nineteen ingredients…
Four Easy Steps to Protect Your Family and Friends from Food Poisoning

August is the time of year popular for grilling, family outdoor cookouts, and trips to the local farmers’ market. As you enjoy family barbecues, block parties, and campfires, we have put together four simple steps to follow to protect yourself,…
Chipotle Food Poisoning Class Action Initiated in Denver

Chipotle shareholders are sickened by the company’s failure to prevent food borne illness outbreaks in franchised restaurants, with more than 500 customers suffering from various illnesses as a result of poor hygienic standards. On Monday, August 8th, a class action…
Class Action Filed Against Aqualift Ovens

Do you own a stove, range, or oven featuring the proprietary “AquaLift® Self-Cleaning Technology?” On June 27, 2016, Harford, P.C., has joined together with two other law firms in filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of every person who…
Truck Drivers Win 5-million Settlement in Class Action Lawsuit Against Trucking Companies

A long awaited change in the truck driving industry may finally come to fruition. A group of more than 400 immigrant Latino and Korean truck drivers recently settled a class action lawsuit filed against a Southern California port trucking company…
Tips to Tackle Online Leaks of Your Personal Information

We are all victims of it – junk or “spam” solicitations clogging our small mailboxes and limited-size email inboxes for some promotional offer or service that we have never heard of. We are often left to wonder – how did…
Five Steps to Follow After an Auto Accident in New York

You have been involved in an automobile accident with another vehicle within the State of New York. The occupants of both vehicles appear to have avoided an immediate injury. What should you do at this point to preserve your legal…
High Levels of Arsenic Found in Apple Juice

Do you or anyone in your family consume apple juice? The Food and Drug Administration has recently sent a warning letter to a large-scale juice processor in Sunnyside, Washington after the agency found high levels of inorganic arsenic in samples…