Courtesy of the American Association for Justice
Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the so-called “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” [H.R. 1215]. This atrocious bill will rig the system against your clients and tip the scales in favor of the health care and insurance industries. We need to send a strong message to Congress that they must protect Americans and reject H.R. 1215.
We need your help to let Congress know that voters will not stand to have their rights taken away. It is imperative that they hear from the people who would be impacted the most by this legislation – your clients.
Help us increase engagement in the campaign to defeat H.R. 1215 by sending an email to your clients asking them to take action. Through our Take Justice Back Campaign, your clients can easily write and call their members of Congress by visiting www.takejusticeback.com/protectpatients. We have also included a sample letter you can send to your clients below.
In addition to contacting your clients, please help us spread the word on social media. We have produced a short viral video that tells the story of 7 year-old Dahlia Ramirez, who suffered horrific injuries caused by medical negligence. Thanks to the civil justice system, Dahlia now has the best possible chance at living a normal life. Here are two links where you can watch and share Dahlia’s video: